Tuesday, 25 November 2014

My New puppy!

Wow I forgot how time consuming these gorgeous things are. When we got our first dog she was virtually house trained so it didn't seem as hard, plus she was naturally quite good, wasn't a chewer at all so from what I can remember (with it being 5 years ago) It was quite a breeze.
Minnie However our new pup is a little in the opposite direction. She's very clever, toilet trained, she won't go over thresholds (doors) which is amazing and she's learning tricks really well....she's just a little too crazy for our other dog which is causing little problems. So Apparently getting same sex dogs is a bad idea, as they find it very hard to get along. Saying that however we are seeing improvement as the days go on between the two doggies, which is heart warming and great to witness the progress especially as our first dog Maisie as hasn't really socialised with other dogs, so I can see why this is really hard for her. The Key is to keep everything positive and only interrupt the play fighting if necessary. Maisie needs to mother her and put her in her place and this is normal behaviour. 
For what us humans see as unreasonable behaviour or when we can recognise to tolerate someone we don't like, Dogs cannot see these reasonings and even with lovely temperaments instincts will kick in. They literally have to learn how to socialise, which is tough. There's growling, Stealing each others chews, eating each others food, Very tough for Maisie as for 5 years everything has been just hers. I really hope that they can be best buds in the end! Have you got any Tips and Tricks for helping them get along?

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